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Friday, July 26, 2013

Hellraiser 2: Hellbound (1988)

“Hellraiser 2: Hellbound” is the strongest film in the franchise after the original, and in some ways it’s even stronger. This movie takes all of the elements from the first film and adds to it, showing us that the Cenobites were once humans who had dared to open the box, and for one reason or another, were chosen to become “higher beings” and enteral minions of Leviathan, the Lord of the Labyrinth. We get to see the inside of the Labyrinth as well, how different rooms are dedicated to an individual’s personal hell.

“Hellraiser 2: Hellbound” brings back The Four Cenobites that we met in “Hellraiser”; Butterball, Chatterer, Deepthroat, and Pinhead. Their dialogue is sparser and full of delicious quotes. And as I already hinted at, we get to see a brief glimpse of what they looked like when they were still alive. The main human characters from the first film also return. Kirsty and Julia are again the film’s main protagonist and antagonist while Uncle Frank makes his appearance as they walk through the halls of the Labyrinth. In this film, it is Julia’s turn to be summoned by blood and her readjustment to the normal world.

We are also introduced to Dr. Phillip Channard, a physiatrist who is obsessed with the secrets of the puzzle box. It is he who brings Julia back from Hell and in turn is guided into the depths of the Labyrinth. Dr. Channard proves to be a vicious antagonist as well as he goes on a bloody rampage killing his patients as well as going toe to toe with The Four Cenobites. One of the best moments of the film is when we get to see Dr. Channard’s office and the various fake Lament Configurations that he has collected over the years. It is also in his files that we see paper records of Pinhead’s human form.

The film begins right after Kirsty escapes from the house and the Cenobites (the skeleton dragon at the end of the original is ignored). Kirsty wakes up in a mental hospital and is kept there after she tells the authorities her story about the Cenobites and the murders that Julia performed for Frank. No one believes her but Dr. Channard’s assistant Kyle is sympathetic to her story. He snoops around the doctor’s office and watches in horror as an insane patient is given a knife in which he begins to cut himself with. The patient is sitting on the bed that Julia was killed on and as his blood soaks into the mattress, a skinless Julia’s climbs out of it and kills the man. She sees Channard and asks him for help, which he does. Kyle runs back to Kirsty and tells her what he saw; she demands to be released from the hospital and taken to Julia. Kyle breaks her out and together they go to Channard’s house.

Channard in the meantime has dressed Julia in medical bandages and has begun supplying Julia with the victims she needs to be whole again. Kyle meets Julia and falls victim to her life-sucking ability. Kirsty arrives to late but before she can do anything, Channard shows up with a young girl, Tiffany.  who solves puzzles. Channard gives Tiffany the real Lament Configuration, which she solves and opens the gateway to the Labyrinth. The Cenobites come and realize that Tiffany did not summon them with her own will and proceed to look for those responsible, but Channard, Julia, and Kirsty have already snuck into Hell. The remainder of the film showcases the images of Hell, the showdown between Julia and Kirsty, the transformation of Dr. Channard and his blood thirsty rampage that brings him face to face with Pinhead and the other Cenobites.

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