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Friday, March 28, 2014

Choose (2010)

"Choose" begins extremely strong and slowly loses steam until it barely manages to find it's ending. The concept in the beginning is simple, a mysterious stranger forces his victims to choose between one gruesome fate or the other and if they don't within a minute, they'll suffer both fates. It's disappointing and had so much potential even after the connection is found between the various victims of the shadowed villain. It was also frustrating to see how easily Kevin Pollak's character blew off his adult daughter's concerns. It's little wonder that I've never heard of this film since it's release in 2010.

A deranged man is going around town and forcing his victims to choose between one horrible decision or another, giving them only 60 seconds to decide before inflicting both options if a choice isn't made. Worse yet, he forces his victim to commit the choice take. For example, a teen is forced to decide who should live, her mother or father, and then is forced to make the killing blow. Two other scenes like this soon follow. Meanwhile, Fiona Wagner is trying to study for her Master's degree when she begins receiving messages from ISO_17, giving her inside details of the crimes. She tries to tell her dad, Sheriff Wagner, but he waves her off as just being paranoid. But soon he finds out that he's on the lunatic's list and that both he and her daughter are in imminent danger.

Who lives, mom or dad?

Do you keep your fingers or your hearing?

Trying to choose what books to check out at the library.

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