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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Devil's Due (2014) #381

"Devil's Due" is a mediocre horror film that is seen through the lens of a video camera, capturing the touching moments of a young couple as they get married, go on a honey moon, become expecting parents, and finally have their lives torn asunder when they realize that they are being used by a group trying to summon the Antichrist. The movie is more P.O.V. (Point of View) than Found Footage because the scenes in the film are recorded from multiple camera sources, and from which the content is neither edited or found later on. Even though there is plenty of time to develop the two main characters, Zach and Samantha, we learn only the basics about either of them and ultimately are not as invested in their struggles as we could be. The film has a few legitimate scares and an interesting, although unoriginal, feel about.

Zach and Samantha are young couple in love and Zach has decided to video tape all of their major, and minor, moments together. While on their honeymoon is the Dominican Republic, Zach and Samantha visit a fortune teller who tells Samantha that she was "born from death" and that "they've been waiting for you". Later that night, the two are taken to an underground nightclub by a pushy cab driver, and while they are there, they drugged and become unwilling participants in a religious ceremony. Not remembering much about the night before, the two return to the US and start their lives together. Several weeks later, Samantha tells Zach that she is pregnant, even though she has been on the pill. As the weeks pass, Samantha begins acting strangely, entering a possessed like state where she demonstrates super strength and telekinetic powers. Zach also notices strangers watching their house at all hours of the day and night and finding weird symbols inside the house. The movie comes to a climax as Samantha nears her due date and the cult moves in to take what they believe is theirs...

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