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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Blood Red Sky (2021) #477


Is "Blood Red Sky" more of a horror film or more of an action film? It's difficult to say for sure but it's still a fun, brisk movie that does not disappoint. The premise is simple; a single mother, Nadja, and her only child, Elias, are on their way to New York when the plane they're on is hijacked and terror ensues. The hijackers have planned for everything except for the fact that Nadja is a vampire who is struggling to keep her blood lust in check. Her fight to retain her humanity is slipping but she remains a protective mother first and foremost. 

"Blood Red Sky" was directed and co-written by Peter Thorwarth with a budget of $17.7 million dollars. Mr Thorwarth uses his limited budget and the enclosed space of an airplane to full effect, creating an effective vampire film that feels fresh and exciting. Peri Baumeister also stars as Nadja, who gives a performance that is equally emotionally driven as it is action oriented; she is seen as both vulnerable as well as an apex predator. Dominic Purcell, perhaps the most recognized name to an American audience, co-stars as Berg, the leader of the terrorists. He's cool and calm throughout the film, a clever and confident leader who planned for everything for a swift takeover. Alexander Scheer steals the spotlight as one of the terrorists, a psychopathic loose cannon who is the first to figure out that there is a vampire on the flight.

As a vampire film, "Blood Red Sky" examines the struggles of not giving into the beast of the condition. We see Nadja's infection and how she handles being a single mother of an infant. We learn in the beginning of the film that she is headed to New York for a possible solution for her condition although the audience isn't yet aware of what the condition is; this is quickly revealed so it's not really a spoiler. This leads us to speculate if vampirism is more accepted as a possibility than as a myth. When Nadja's vampiric tendencies begin to take over, we see the transformation of a meek, quiet woman to the predator we know vampires to be. Trying to keep her secret from the other passengers and the hijackers is a challenge that ultimately fails. The third act of the film becomes a bloodbath as less restrained predators are released.

"Blood Red Sky" is perhaps one of the more enjoyable vampire films I've seen in the last ten years and I hope Netflix continues to stream more horror themed content in the future.

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