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Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Endless (2017) #492

Spoiler warning!


Always be aware of cults, things never end well with cults. And if you happen to be lucky enough to leave a cult, don't go back for a visit! This is the advice that was presented but not heeded in the cosmic horror instant classic "The Endless". Directed and produced by Aaron Moorehead and Justin Benson, the "The Endless" is a cautionary tale of two brothers, also played by Benson and Moorehead, who receive a video from their old cult which tempts the younger one to return to what he saw as a better life.

The movie begins by establishing what life is like for the two brothers, Justin and Aaron, first by showing the friction between the two over the purchase of a car battery. The older brother is the more grounded and responsible one while the younger is flighty and distracted. Instead of picking up a car battery, Aaron spends $20 to purchase a used camcorder so he can watch the mysterious recording that was mailed to them. The video shows Anna, a member from Camp Arcadia, telling the viewer that it's almost time for ascension, so don't be worried if they're not around, that they will be back soon. Justin is forced to acknowledge that the immediate danger that he foretold that would come to the group took longer than he estimated, ten years in fact, but it was bound to happen. He still believes that he saved his brother and himself from a dangerous UFO suicide cult, although their lives are less than ideal. They struggle with money and relationships, working as house cleaners who cook their meals of ramen while on the job. We even see two scenes where the brothers are attending Cult Deprogramming sessions, a lifelong journey to reassimilate. Justin is hopeful that things will improve while Aaron is depressed and begs to visit the camp in order to at least say a proper goodbye; Justin eventually agrees that the two can go for a single day and night.

Camp Arcadia is located in the remote nowhere in southern California, no sign of civilization to be found. On the way, they stop at their mother's roadside memorial. They are surprised that it's still in great condition, even a painting they made almost ten years ago. They leave and eventually arrive at the camp, where they are greeted by a perpetually smiling man named Dave. They drive further until they reach the camp proper, quickly noticing that everyone barely seems to have aged over the past ten years. They get out and are quickly welcomed by the various members that knew them years ago, including Anna from the video and Hal, the leader of the group. The two brothers spend the day talking with the others and forming their own separate impressions of what life really is like at the camp. Justin remains skeptical while Aaron is happy to be "home" and convinces his brother to stay one more night.

During the second day, strange occurrences begin to take place. Invisible barriers, ripples along the ground, photos appearing from nowhere, and the oppressive feeling of being watched. And then that night, both Justin and Aaron see two moons in the sky; Hal explains to Jusitn that this is a known phenomenon, that two means truth and three moons signifies the ascension, and that Justin needs to find his truth before the full third moon. This truth means learning about the time loops and those that are trapped within, including the horrible, painful fate that awaits for those who live until the final moment. Some time loops last years, some last days, while others merely hours or even seconds. Justin and Aaron are forced to find each other and the truth about their lives and relationship in order to survive and escape the time loop at Camp Arcadia. 

My favorite moment - The big reveal in the movie is when Justin finds the time loop with Michael and Chris, from "Resolution". There were some references to "The tweeker with the guns at the cabin" earlier in the film, but to actually see Chris and Michael is a delightful moment. They explain that Michael came here to help Chris and that they only intended to stay for a week, but that was many weeks ago. The viewer is then horrified by the realization that they've been stuck here for months or even years, because Justin had a previous discussion with Michael's previously pregnant wife Jennifer, who was back at the camp. Jennifer was here looking for Michael had mentioned that she left her son with her parents. Adding these characters and connection from the previous film is pure genius and was done so masterfully.

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