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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pelts (2006) #372

"Pelts" is Dario Argento's second entry in the "Masters of Horror" series, a piece that has an equally creepy cast of characters but an even stronger story than his first offering with "Jenifer". Singer/actor Meatloaf stars as Jake Feldman, a fur trader and craftsman who is obsessed with an erotic dancer who won't give him the time of day. When one of his trappers calls him with an offer of a lifetime for a stock of perfect raccoon skins, Jake is forced to see what the old man is offering. But when Jake and his assistant arrive to buy the skins, they find that both the hunter and his son have died very gruesome deaths. Jake takes the pelts and brings them to his shop and has his team begin creating the perfect coat. But one by one the employees die horrible deaths as well. This does not stop Jake in his quest and takes the completed coat to the dancer's apartment where he coaxes her into having sex with him in exchange for the coat and the chance to model it at an upcoming fashion event. Afterwards, Jake falls victim the the pelts curse and soon the dancer is claimed as a victim as well.

Morale of the tale - never trap and kill a raccoon on scared land.....

What made this episode standout, in a positive way, is that each death was related directly to how the character was involved with the raccoon pelts. Watch for the connections!

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