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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Candyman 2: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)

It’s another sequel, it’s another guilty pleasure, and it’s from the 90’s; “Candyman 2: Farewell to the Flesh”. While most people hate this movie, I really enjoyed it. It doesn’t try to repeat the same story as from the original but it manages to stay honest to it and expand on the history of the Candyman and explore a different motive for his killings. And the film takes place in New Orleans, so that alone gives it extra points and character! It occurred to me today that the Candyman, of all of the famed killers/slashers/insane franchise characters, to come across as a bully. He tends to kill the victims that haven’t called for him in front of his “emotional victim” that he uses to frame his murders around, all in order to fulfill whatever ends he wishes to achieve in that movie. Tony Todd is less commanding in this film than in his earlier appearances but he still has an ominous presence and one of the best voices a horror movie villain could wish for.

Annie Tarrant and her family become deeply involved with the mystery of the Candyman after her father is killed in the same fashion as other Candyman victims. The local authorities believe her brother Ethan is the killer but when more murders occur while he’s in jail, their sights are narrowed on to Annie. Annie makes the mistake of summoning the Candyman while looking into a mirror and saying his name five times, and now that she has his attention at last, he’s going to do everything he can to make her learn the truth about her dark family secret.

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