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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Ring 2 (2005)

"The Ring 2" is the kind of sequel that carries over bits and pieces from the original film but attempts to be it's own movie with it's own strengths and flaws. The film tries to evolve but struggles in doing so, feeling overly complicated and silly at times. Hideo Nakata, the director of the Japanese versions, takes over in this installment from Gore Verbinski and offers the viewers something different that was not previously presented in the Japanese films. Naomi Watts and David Dorfman return as Rachel and her son Aiden.

The aspect of the VHS tape and watching the film on it plays a very small role in this film and is only dealt with in the very beginning. Samara's power of coming out of the television is revisited and expanded on because now she is able to pull victims through the screen and bring them into her world. When this happens, I can't help but to think of the alternate world from "Silent Hill", how the characters become trapped and left alone.

Rachel and Aiden have left the "big" city of Seattle and have relocated to Astoria, Oregon. Six months after their encounter with Samara, her ghostly activity begins again after local high school students begin watching copies of her film. Rachel tracks down the copy and destroys it but it's too late because Samara has already found them. Samara possesses Aiden (why?) and Rachel looks like an abusive mother as her son's body becomes bruised and unhealthy. Rachel is forced to seek out Samara's real mother and find out even more back story/mystery surrounding the child.

Favorite WTF moment - Rachel and Aiden are driving home through a heavily wooded area when their car is attacked by a heard of CGI deer. It made sense in "The Ring" that horses would be driven crazy by Samara or those with her curse, brought upon the by the mental abuse that her adopted father inflicted on her, loving his horses more than her. But why would deer be affected? Beyond the fear of the unnatural of course. The scene is over the top, silly, and completely unnecessary for this movie.

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