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Friday, June 28, 2013

Frankenstein (1931)

“Frankenstein” was always my favorite of the Universal monster movies. It felt dark, scary, and serious when I was little and for a movie from that time period, it did a solid job of being just that. It was a huge success when it first came out so I wonder how many people had read the book or did so after seeing the movie just because it is so vastly different. Were they upset by all of the changes? Did they prefer the movie version of the written one? I’ll never know but seeing how many sequels and variations that were created over the next two decades, it seems that it wasn’t a big deal. I personally don’t think it is either because both were so creative and take the concept in two different but serious directions. The only element that I don’t care for is how Fritz was tormenting the Monster while it was locked up; I understand that this was used as a plot device to make the Monster look like a killer but the Fritz character needed more of an explanation as to why he was such a sadistic prick.

The quick rundown.

Henry Frankenstein is obsessed with to bring a collection of body parts and electronic devices to life. His concerned fiancée seeks help and finds out about his passion. The experiment works, the creature is locked up, the creature is tortured by Henry’s assistant, and the creature kills the assistant. Henry and his mentor decide that the creature must be destroyed and give it drugs that knock it out. Henry leaves and joins his fiancée to plan their wedding. The creature wakes up, kills Henry’s mentor and escapes. Creature finds little girl, kills little girl, and feels bad. Mob finds out and hunts down creature. Creature takes Henry as a hostage. Henry is thrown off of a mill and creature is burned alive. The end. 

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