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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Exorcist (1973)

"The Exorcist" is a true horror classic, frightening and disturbing audiences ever since it came out in 1973. My parents first date was seeing a showing of "The Exorcist" the day after Christmas (I wonder if that helps to explain why I love horror so much?). When it was rereleased in theaters in the early 2000's with a few deleted scenes, it continued to scare those who watched it. 

Now I will admit that I was not scared by the movie the first time I saw it. Much like "Halloween", I had seen the first few minutes numerous times before being kicked out of the room. So when I finally saw it, I was a little disappointed because I had such high expectations. The only thing that really gave me the chills was the haunting soundtrack. But then in 9th grade I read the book and after gaining a solid understanding of the story, the movie proved to be chilling the second time I saw it. Lesson of the day is to wait until you're old enough/mature enough to realize that what you're watching is creepy as hell!

It's about Regan, a tween who becomes possessed by a very powerful and diabolical demon and the priest who is losing his faith who must confront the demon and make the ultimate sacrifice in the battle if good versus evil. That's all I'm going to say. If you've seen it, you know what happens. If you haven't seen it, you should!

Favorite moment - when the priest asks the possessed Regan why she doesn't break her bounds if she wants to be loose but had the ability to do so, the demon cooly responds that " it would be a vulgar display of power"

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