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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cure (1997)

"Cure" is an earlier collobration between director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and actor Koji Yakusho. Much like "Retribution", "Cure" is a crime story that focuses on a detective trying to find the connecting theme between murders and their victims. While there isn't a ghost or some other supernatural entity, the movie does deal with mysticism in the form of hypnosis. What makes this film worthy of the horror genre is the fact that the "innocent" murders are unaware and unable to resist the urge to kill. The scene where a hypnotizes murderer is peeling off the scalped face of her victim is pretty horror-genre worthy too!

Detective Takabe, who is trying to solve a string of murders by people who would never want to kill anyone, let alone their victims. Detective Takabe discovers that each of the murders has spent time with a young man with extreme amnesia named Mamiya. Everyone who meets Mamiya ends up killing someone close to them; a wife or a coworker for example. It turns out that his amnesia is just a ploy and a part of how he hypnotizes his victims. When Takabe finally meets Mamiya, Mamiya becomes fascinated that he can not hypnotize the detective. To what ends will Mamiya go to force his will over Detective Takabe?

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