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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Humanoids form the Deep (1980)

I was expecting pure schlock and cheesiness from a film titled "Humanoids from the Deep" that happened to have Roger Corman as an executive producer, but I was happily surprised that it was also actually somewhat entertaining to watch. The film has it's violent moments with some decent make-up work that really felt ahead of their time. The acting is tolerable although some of the dialogue is down right laughable. The explanation on the evolution of the Humanoids makes more sense than many others films when trying to find explain their monsters. It's an outright updated monster flick like those from the 50's and 60's.

In a quiet Californian coastal town, the local fisherman are being attacked from something hiding under the water. First a boat is attacked and a child is pulled from the edge and killed. Then the fishermen dogs are all killed over the night. As the creatures become more daring, they begin killing the men of the town and raping the women when the chance arises. When a few of the locals realize what's going on, they, with the help of a doctor who is working for the company responsible for the creatures development, try to save the other residents just as the creatures attack in mass.

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