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Monday, February 3, 2014

Leviathan (1989)

"Leviathan" was one of those cheesy monster movies that I loved to watch in the middle of a summer day when it felt to hot to go outside. It is one the several films that takes place deep underwater that came out in the late 1980's. It's a fun, stupid, and engaging monster flick with some memorable actors from that time including Peter Weller ("Robo-Cop" and "Buckaroo Bonzai"), Ernie Hudson ("Ghostbusters" and "The Crow"), and Richard Crenna (the "Rambo" series). The special effects were decent for the time and the movie holds up fairly well if you are looking for a cheesy monster flick. "Leviathan" is like "The Thing", but underwater but not nearly as cool.

Steven Beck is leading a mining crew deep underwater. During their six month long assignment, one of the miners, a dumb-ass named Six Pack, comes across a sunken Russian vessel named "Leviathan". The crew breaks into the vessel's safe and take the records showing how the crew died and the captain's video log; Six Packs pockets a flask of vodka that was also in the safe. Six Pack drinks the vodka which happens to be tainted with some sort of mutagen that the Russians were experimenting with. Six Pack dies and his body starts to mutate. The rest of the crew is now trapped after Six Pack's mutated body comes to life and begins to attack them. Even after they are able to "flush" out the corpse, a piece of him remains in the base and transforms into a murderous creature. The crew is trapped within as a storm rages above and time is running out....

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