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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Trolljergeren (2010)

"Trolljergeren", also known as "Troll Hunter" in English, is a fantastic Norwegian horror/fantasy film that highlights the mythical creatures in a way that has never been seen before! What's great about this movie is that it touches on several different kinds of trolls and finds a perfect reason to connect them all together into one story. Each type of troll is given it's fair share of screen time and demonstrates their various traits. Otto Jespersen is amazing as the lead character, Hans the Troll Hunter. Best known as a comedian in Norway, Otto plays his role extremely straight and without too much emotion throughout the film which allows the college students working with him to have the excitable reactions one might have when encountering a troll.
The special effects vary throughout the film, with some trolls looking better and more detailed than others; this is too much of a distraction but is noticeable.

A trio of college students are following a hunter named Hans who they suspect is an illegal bear poacher. At one site where a dead bear is found, local hunters remark how the bear tracks look odd but Finn Haugen, the head of the Norwegian Wildlife Board, reassures that the bear tracks are real. The three finally track down Hans one night as he comes running out of a forest yelling "troll"! The commentator, Thomas, is bitten by something in the dark and the three also find that their vehicle has been destroyed. They ride with Hans back to his camp and ask if they can come along and film whatever it is that he's doing. He thinks about it, asks if any of them are Christians, and after they say no, he allows them to come along. The next night Hans takes the three to another forest where they find a three headed troll. Hans allows it to chase him and leads it back to his Land Rover where he activates a high powered UV light that turns the creature to stone. Hans begins to break down the stone remains as Finn arrives with a bear carcass and begins imprinting fake bear tracks. The three college students soon realize that they are privy to a secret government organization and the trolls are indeed real. They continue their travels with Hans as he tries to figure out why there is so much troll activity all of a sudden.

Oh, that's not good!

UV lights turning an older troll to stone

Hans the troll hunter and Johanna the sound tech

That's a large one!

Lair of the Mountain Kings!

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